AnnouncementVolunteers needed for foster

Food Collection Campaign

Feed the Love of Our Furry Friends

At PAD, we know that love is demonstrated in many ways, and one of the most important is making sure our furry friends have the food they need. That's why we organize food drives in collaboration with generous stores that share our passion for animal welfare.

Why Are Food Drives Important?

Animal Welfare

Each bag of food collected means full stomachs and happy tails in our shelter. Your food contribution is a gift that is savored every day.

Community support

Food drives are a testament to the strength of the community. Together, we can make a significant difference in the lives of our furry friends.

Responsible care

We want to ensure that all our dogs have proper nutrition. Food drives help us stay accountable for their well-being.

How Can You Help with Food Collection?

It's easy! If you want to join our cause and contribute bags of food, simply get in touch with us. Every donation, big or small, is an act of love that is reflected in the sparkle in the eyes of our furry friends.

Together, We Feed Love

We deeply appreciate everyone's collaboration. Thanks to our volunteers, the stores that open their doors for our food drives, and people like you, our dogs are guaranteed a nutritious and delicious meal.

Contact Us

If you want to be part of this beautiful initiative and join our food collection campaign, don't hesitate to contact us. Your help is an essential ingredient in the recipe of love we offer to our four-legged friends.

Collaborate in Our Food Collection and Feed the Hearts of Our Furry Friends! 🥫🐾❤️